Western Hemisphere Analysis

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David L. Goldwyn and Andrea Clabough, "Is Latin America on target for COP24?" Report for the Atlantic Council (2018)

David Goldwyn, "¿Quién le dirá al Presidente?," Reforma, (February 16, 2020)

David Goldwyn, "Mexico’s Energy Reforms: The Prospects Under an AMLO Administration" The Atlantic Council, (July 2, 2018)

Co-Chairs Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Sen. Mark Warner, Co-Directors Richard L. Morningstar and David L. Goldwyn, Rapporteur Bud Coote, "Empowering America: How Energy Abundance Can US Global Leadership," Atlantic Council Global Energy Center (2015)

David Goldwyn and Cory R. Gill, "The Waning of Petrocaribe? Central America and Caribbean Energy in Transition," Atlantic Council Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center (2016)

David Goldwyn, Neil R. Brown and Megan Reilly Cayten, "Mexico’s Energy Reform: Ready to Launch," Atlantic Council Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center (2014)

David L. Goldwyn and Cory R. Gill, "Uncertain Energy: The Caribbean's Gamble with Venezuela," Atlantic Council Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center (2014)

David Goldwyn, "Mexico Rising: Comprehensive Energy Reform at Last?," Atlantic Council Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center (2013)

David L. Goldwyn, Contributor, "Pathways to Paris: Latin America”, Paltsev, S., M. Mehling, N. Winchester, J. Morris and K. Ledvina, MIT Joint Program Special Report" Atlantic Council (2018) 

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David Goldwyn, "Mexico’s Energy Reforms: The Prospects Under an AMLO Administration" The Atlantic Council, (July 2, 2018)

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David Goldwyn and Andrea Clabough, "Secure the Caribbean — with a modest addition to the BUILD Act," The Hill, (January 9, 2019). 

David L. Goldwyn, "A New Energy Strategy For the Western Hemisphere" (Report for the Department of Energy), The Atlantic Council, 2020

David Goldwyn, Neil Robert Brown, and Andrea Clabough, "Climate and energy at the US-Mexico bilateral summit," The Atlantic Council, (July, 2022)

David L. Goldwyn and Cory R. Gill, "Caribbean Energy Security: Regional Profile and Challenges to Integration" In Handbook on Caribbean Economies (Routledge Press, 2020)

David Goldwyn, Eugene Tiah, and Wazim Mowla, "A roadmap for the Caribbean’s energy transition," The Atlantic Council, (September, 2023)

David Goldwyn, "Six steps Guyana can take to avoid the resource curse," The Atlantic Council, (November, 2023)

David L. Goldwyn, "It’s time to refresh the Caribbean Energy Security Initiative," The Atlantic Council, (November, 2021)

David Goldwyn and Antonio Ortiz-Mena, "Pragmatism can improve Mexico’s energy outlook," The Atlantic Council, (July, 2024)

David Goldwyn and Lourdes Melgar, "Energy", Chapter in The Next President of the United States: Challenges and Recommendations for the US-Mexico Relationship, The Wilson Center (December, 2024)

David Goldwyn, "Mexico’s Energy Reforms: The Prospects Under an AMLO Administration" The Atlantic Council, (July 2, 2018)

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David Goldwyn and Joseph Webster, "Tariffs on Canada and Mexico could hurt Trump’s quest for US energy dominance," The Atlantic Council, (January, 2025)